help with IF formula



=IF('5-19 Epson Ink'!H5-H106<>0, '5-19 Epson Ink'!A5,"")

i have this formula in a cell on spreadsheet Variances. instead of having
the "" at the end, can i put somethin that will delete this row in this
spreadsheet (Variances) but not the Epson Ink one? like the word "skip" or
something. i want to make a list of all the rows on the spreadsheet Epson
Ink that have a number other than 0 in column H. but with this formula, i
have blank rows between the variances on spreadsheet Variances.



Why don't you just apply autofilter to this column, and select Non-
blanks from the filter pull-down? That will hide all the balank rows
and bunch up the others.

Hope this helps.



Hi Tia,
I don't think any worksheet functions delete rows. They only do math.
You would need to use a macro.
Regards - Dave.

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