Help with formula Grade book



I hope I phrase everything correctly. I have created a teacher grade
workbook. The rows A3 - A33 are student’s names. The columns C3 - C???? (???
= want to add additional grades (columns) when needed) are numeric test

B3 is my counter. I can’t seem to get my formula in cell B3 to update when I
add a column to include additional test score. B3 is my counter used when I
average the sum of the test scores. (see below) If I insert a column K for
example, the counter does not update. Is this the formula I should be using?
What formula should I be using?


When I average a cell (all numeric grades) I use the formula below which
does not update either. This formula is always located in the column next to
the last numeric test score. When I insert a column to add another test score
I would like this formula to update. Example: J3 should read K3 when I insert
a column. How can I get the formula to update? Is this the correct formula I
should be using?


Here is the formula I use when I want to convert a numeric value (average of
all test scores) to a letter grade for the averages. When I insert a column
the reference K3 should read L3 (this is the column I have my averages of all
the tests showing). How do I get the formula to update? Is there a better
formula I should be using?



Don Guillett

Easiest would be to have a dummy column at the end and insert BEFORE that
or look for a number larger than in your data


Assume grades are in C3 to J3:

in K3: =Average(C3:J3)

If you add an additional column by highlighting column K and doing
Insert=>Column then i.e. average calculation moves to column L, then when you
enter new grade in K3, L3 will show =AVERAGE(C3:K3)

In the same way your grade formula
will change to reflect the new data.

In my testing the latter formula was in cell C5




Perfect, Thank you.

I am laughing here. You solution is so logical. And very easy. You would
not believe how long I worked at this problem before I asked for help.

Works like a charm. Perfect...


Toppers said:
Assume grades are in C3 to J3:

in K3: =Average(C3:J3)

If you add an additional column by highlighting column K and doing
Insert=>Column then i.e. average calculation moves to column L, then when you
enter new grade in K3, L3 will show =AVERAGE(C3:K3)

In the same way your grade formula
will change to reflect the new data.

In my testing the latter formula was in cell C5


David said:
I hope I phrase everything correctly. I have created a teacher grade
workbook. The rows A3 - A33 are student’s names. The columns C3 - C???? (???
= want to add additional grades (columns) when needed) are numeric test

B3 is my counter. I can’t seem to get my formula in cell B3 to update when I
add a column to include additional test score. B3 is my counter used when I
average the sum of the test scores. (see below) If I insert a column K for
example, the counter does not update. Is this the formula I should be using?
What formula should I be using?


When I average a cell (all numeric grades) I use the formula below which
does not update either. This formula is always located in the column next to
the last numeric test score. When I insert a column to add another test score
I would like this formula to update. Example: J3 should read K3 when I insert
a column. How can I get the formula to update? Is this the correct formula I
should be using?


Here is the formula I use when I want to convert a numeric value (average of
all test scores) to a letter grade for the averages. When I insert a column
the reference K3 should read L3 (this is the column I have my averages of all
the tests showing). How do I get the formula to update? Is there a better
formula I should be using?





Thank you, I am off to add your formula to my grade book.


Don Guillett said:
Easiest would be to have a dummy column at the end and insert BEFORE that
or look for a number larger than in your data

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