Help with combination formula



Hi Guys:
I'm trying to combine a couple of different functions in one formula and
can't seem to get it to work. First I want a formula that adds a series of
cells, but I also want the cell to blank out if the sum is zero AND I want it
to blank out if there's any type of error (such as div/0 or value/#). Here's
what I have that's working so far:


and this is giving me the true sum. I also want to do the same with the


So, I need two do I add the part to handle errors in the first
formula above and then how do I do both for the second and third formulas.

Let me know. I'm SO glad we have this's a lifesaver sometimes!

Have a great weekend all!
Virginia Beach, VA

Jason Morin


Atlanta, GA


First, no need for + signs within a sum formula, if the cells are not
adjacent you can use

=SUM(cell1,cell2 and so on

however since your cells is a contiguous range you can use



should work

you can use the same technique for the other 2 formulas


just replace B3-G3 with I3/K3 for the third formula

You should not however that the first formula will return a blank even if
the SUM should be greater than 0 AND you have an error in a cell
If you get errors because you have a blank or text then you can use


since sum by itself ignores text

If you get erros from something else and want the sum with errors excluded
then I'd suggest you remove the errors in the formula(s) that returns them
and use the last formula


Peo Sjoblom

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