Help With Clipboard



Is the Office Clipboard where cut or copied material is supposed to be? I'm
used to Win98 and I never had a problem copying and pasting, but now I selected
and copied text and then went to a Word document and the Paste button was
grayed out. I opened the Clipboard and it said it was empty.
Is there perhaps another place on my computer where that bit of text is stored?
I'd really like to find it.
On 98 there was an option to View Contents of Clipboard on the Accessories
menu. Is there a way to get that convenience back?


I've made an extraordinary discovery. Pieces of text copied from a Notepad
document are not available to be pasted into a Word document. I copied from
Notepad to Notepad with no trouble. Then I opened Word and the Paste button was
grayed out. The Office Clipboard was empty. I found the Windows Clipboard and
opened it and the text was there.
So the Windows Clipboard and the Office Clipboard are two different things.
I've never before had a problem copying from Notepad or the Internet and
pasting into Word. Is there a flaw in my WindowsXP system, or is this really
the way it's supposed to be?
Is there a way to copy from Notepad or any other non-Office location and still
be able to paste into Word?
Also, can someone help me find the Office Clipboard.exe so that I can make a
shortcut to it? I have a shortcut to the Windows Clipboard. It is different and
it looks pretty crude.

Mike Moffet

I replied to your post above. I do not know if Office is the same in this
respect or not but you might check it out. Under Works Word clears the
clipboard when you open it. Opening Word first and then copying will allow
you to paste under Works and it may work the same with Office.



I'm sorry, but I can't understand what you wrote. I'm so used to cutting,
copying, and pasting in 95/98 that I am completely baffled by the inability to
copy and paste into Word 2002.


I'm having the same issues noted in this thread.
< Windows XP and Office XP >
Whatever is copied into the Windows clipboard is not
available to post into other programs unless they are
open when you do the cut/copy.
If you copy something out of MSpaint, then open email or
MSWord, the paste feature is gray and not available. If
MSWord is open, it copies it into the office clipboard
and is available.
How do you make the Windows clipboard available for use?

I would welcome email answers.

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