Help to identify issue in w32tm debug log file

Jul 17, 2017
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I have checked everything...As recommened by MS..All is good. However still event is getting generated.
-------------------------Posting w32tm debug logs--Can you help m eto understand its date and what do the logs say?--
Please find attached log file since it is too long to post.


  • w32.txt
    817.1 KB · Views: 302


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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debug log files are for the experts, that does not include MS, they themselves have a really hard job of understanding them. Me, I ain't got a clue either.

I suggest you ... w32tm /debug /disable ... and tell us what sort of 'error' you are encountering, give as much detail as possible.

Welcome to the forums.

Jul 17, 2017
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Event ID - 50 - The time service detected a time difference of greater than 128 milliseconds for 90 seconds. The time difference might be caused by synchronization with low-accuracy time sources or by suboptimal network conditions. The time service is no longer synchronized and cannot provide the time to other clients or update the system clock. When a valid time stamp is received from a time service provider, the time service will correct itself.---
---However it correct itself---Since this server in SSO cluster get fail time difference between the server---But As of now I focusing on event ID 50..want to get rid off that


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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2008 R2 standard

That clears up a lot ... Windows Storage Server 2008 R2.

I'm afraid that is beyond my knowledge of Windows' OS and would only seek Mr Googles assistance, such as ...

... and I quote;

{Delayed Write Failed} Windows was unable to save all the data for the file. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere.
My bold

... hope I've pointed you into a more lucrative direction for a solution.

Jul 17, 2017
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That clears up a lot ... Windows Storage Server 2008 R2.

I'm afraid that is beyond my knowledge of Windows' OS and would only seek Mr Googles assistance, such as ...

... and I quote;

My bold

... hope I've pointed you into a more lucrative direction for a solution.

thank you for assistance. unfortunately i mention Evt ID 50 is - - The time service detected a time difference of greater than 128 milliseconds for 90 seconds. The time difference might be caused by synchronization with low-accuracy time sources or by suboptimal network conditions. The time service is no longer synchronized and cannot provide the time to other clients or update the system clock. When a valid time stamp is received from a time service provider, the time service will correct itself.--- And what you have redirected that is all together differen tissue


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
yes, well I did say I know nothing of that OS ... and my 'findings' are based on my interpretations of the 'error' message + OS

good luck!

Jul 20, 2017
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This eventID 50 might be accompanied by occasional EventID 34, which are the ones you ACTUALLY need to worry about.
However, start from first principles:
1. Is this server a DC and running the FSMO role of PDC Emulator ? If so, it should be configured to contact an external timesource via NTP... and the EventID 50 messages mean it has sporadic issues contacting that external source.
W32tm /stripchart /samples:2 /computer:<your external time server> the command to test this
2. Given you say it is in a cluster, seems unlikely to be the PDCemulator DC... any other machine in the domain should be getting its time from that DC via NT5DS .
In this case the EventID 50 messages mean that the problem box has sporadic issues contacting the PDCe; you may have other events logged to correlate this.

How much does the problem server's time drift by before it corrects ?

Is the problem server a VM ? VMs are known to drift if they are not synchronised to a reliable time source, so there is scope to have the host push its time down to its VMs... this is BAD for DCs, and pointless in a well-connected domain, so unless your problem server is in a workgroup, set the VNIC time provider enable value to zero

Of course, the time service can misbehave, even when well-configured... but making sure your PDCe is getting good time and sharing it out properly is always a good start.

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