Help! Questions about XPe?-



Hi my friends,

I heard about XPe yesterday. Would you like to help me to figure out
following questions?

Is it an operating system that have to be created from a XP pro?

Run_time image is used to create XPe operating system, and after XPe is
created it's a stand alone operating system. Is it correct?

Can I install new hardware and drivers on my XPe after run time image is

Can I install Visual on Xpe and develop my application the same
way as XP pro?.

Thank you for your time.


Heidi Linda eMVP

-----Original Message-----
Hi my friends,

I heard about XPe yesterday. Would you like to help me to figure out
following questions?

Is it an operating system that have to be created from a
XP pro?

I run the tools on Win2K. I partition and format my target
devices, and transfer the images on using NT4.
Run_time image is used to create XPe operating system, and after XPe is
created it's a stand alone operating system. Is it correct?
You use the Target Designer app to create images, put them
on your target machine, run the First Boot Agent, and once
that's done, you've got a working XPe.
Can I install new hardware and drivers on my XPe after run time image is
If you include enough components that you can run an
installer, sure. Other than that, you might have a bit of
fun getting it to work.
Can I install Visual on Xpe and develop my application the same
way as XP pro?.

Probably, but why would you want to? There's probably a
licencing issue there too.
An app written for XPPro will work on XPe, so long as its
dependencies are met.

Slobodan Brcin

Run_time image is used to create XPe operating system, and after XPe is
created it's a stand alone operating system. Is it correct?

I don't understand all of this question, but basicaly it is correct.
Can I install new hardware and drivers on my XPe after run time image is

Yes, but in most cases you should not.
Can I install Visual on Xpe and develop my application the same
way as XP pro?.

Yes, and no. (It is better to use XP for development, and XPE for testing)

For more info read:

You need to read this and some other doc, to make you understand what XPE is
all about.


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