Help on session cookies please


Edwin Hannan

Hi All

using FP2003

I am trying to code some ID tracking from link referers, I have found some
javascript code that works when a referal opens my index.html and apparently
info is stored in a cookie and a hidden field in a form is used to take in
the referral ID.

ie will let you see the
ID at the bottom of the page

I cant seem to be able to work out how to get the referrer ID into a form on
another page on my site, ie once they have arrived they may make an
application so I would like to receive the form results including the ID (I
have created a hidden field on the form etcc...)

A little stuck, any help appreciated


Thomas A. Rowe

You have to learn JS on how to read the cookie on any page, that you need the value from the cookie.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Jon Spivey

The script you have is already sticking the referrer into a cookie. All
you'd need is to copy everything between
// Referer ID tracking Code functions - Begin, may be better to reference
this from a .js file
down to
// Referer ID tracking Code functions - END
into any page you want to grab the referrer ID and it will populate a form
field with this line = id;
Change form name and/or field name if you needto

The script gives good advice in the comments to stick this into an external
..js file.

Edwin Hannan

Hi Thomas and Jon

Yes I am trying to learn javascript, and the form that I want to populate
with the ID is on the link to applyloan.htm (by clicking on the button Apply

I have put code on that page but it doe not work??

any further ideas??



Thomas A. Rowe


You have to wait for Jon or someone else as I don't use JavaScript with cookies.

I work with ASP and Session Cookies, which are stored in memory on the server, and for the rare
times that I do need to actual read/write a cookie to a users HD, I use ASP/VBScript and the user
must select to have the cookie created.

Also many of the Anti Virus/Spyware/Privacy applications will block cookies written to a users HD,
as well as the user's ability to block them via browser settings.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Edwin Hannan


Thanks for your reply, It sounds as though I should be also looking at ASP
and session cookies



Thomas A. Rowe

If you can use ASP (or any server-side script), it would make the process much easier.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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