Help needed with getting data out a running sum table.




I need to create a query to analize the data into individual
production segments. The data below is held in a running sum format
i.e. 9313.884 produced on Seg 1, then 0 produced from Seg 2-6 and then
19359.9-9313.884 i.e. 10046.016 produced against seg 7. I really want
to replace the data in Linear with the actual run amount, but I am
having real difficulty.

Clink Seg SegmentReason Setup Linear RunTime
129952 1 872301 9313.884 22/06/2007 00:39:45
129952 2 Shift change 872301 9313.884 22/06/2007 03:00:00
129952 3 Shift change 872301 9313.884 22/06/2007 07:00:00
129952 4 Shift change 872301 9313.884 23/06/2007 02:00:00
129952 5 Shift change 872301 9313.884 23/06/2007 17:00:00
129952 6 Shift change 872301 9313.884 24/06/2007 08:00:00
129952 7 Shift change 872301 19359.9 25/06/2007 07:00:00

Can any one help ?

Many Thanks



Try this ---
SELECT puffette.Clink, puffette.Seg, puffette.SegmentReason, puffette.Setup,
puffette.Linear, puffette.RunTime, [puffette].[Linear]-[puffette_1].[Linear]
AS [Production Run]
FROM puffette INNER JOIN puffette AS puffette_1 ON puffette.Clink =
WHERE (((puffette_1.Seg)=[puffette].[Seg]-1));

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