Help! How Do I Change The My Pictures Folder Icon?



Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me as this is driving me mad!
I foolishly used a programme to change the colour of the "My pictures"
icon, I didn't like it so change it back however it is now a plain
folder icon without the usual folder with the little picture sticking
Can someone tell me how I can change the icon to one of my choice, I
have read a lot about creating a desktop.ini file which I tried and
that failed, maybe I did it wrong???
Please help, in idiot terms would be good, hehe!
Thank you soooo much

Keith Miller

The folder should contain a desktop.ini file with the following contents:

PersonalizedName=My Pictures
[email protected],-12688

It's an ordinary text file with a .ini extension. Make sure the explorer option to 'hide extensions for known file types' is turned off or you may end up with desktop.ini.txt.

The folder also needs it's read-only bit set. Open a command prompt window & navigate to the folder that contains the My Pictures folder, then type the following:

attrib +r "my pictures"

Good Luck,

Stubbo of Oz

Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me as this is driving me mad!
I foolishly used a programme to change the colour of the "My pictures"
icon, I didn't like it so change it back however it is now a plain
folder icon without the usual folder with the little picture sticking
Can someone tell me how I can change the icon to one of my choice, I
have read a lot about creating a desktop.ini file which I tried and
that failed, maybe I did it wrong???
Please help, in idiot terms would be good, hehe!
Thank you soooo much

Right click onm folder and select "Properties"

Click on "Customise" tab

Click on "Change Icon"

You can then click on "Browse" and choose a file that contains icons.
These are some of them:-


Then click on an icon that you like and click OK

If you don't like any of those you can search the internet - stacks of
icons out there.


Thank you so much Keith, I created the ini with your code thing and it's
completely worked, yay! It's been annoying me all day! You're a star!

Stubbo, thank you for your suggestion....what you said works on normal
folders but it doesn't work on my pictures or my music unfortunately.
Appreciate your help though

Love Helen

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