Help! Dashed lines are coming out of the wood work all over my do



OK, so this is rather of a case from hell. I am working on the final edits
of my novel, about 400 pages, soon to go out to a very interested agent. All
of a sudden these bold dash break lines are appearing all over the text,
between paragraphs, changes in formating, etc. HELP! And yes, they appear
when printed as well. I suspect this is some auto formatting thing which
someone, somewhere, imagined as helpful, but it is just freaking me out!


What you describe sounds like no "feature" Word has to offer. It sounds more
to me like you're dealing with a corrupt document - I hope you have a
backup... you do have a backup copy, right???? If not I'd suggest making one
(or 2) real soon.

Have a look at the causes & *cures* here - one or the other of these
techniques should enable you to recover a healthy copy - as well as your

Once you've done so - dare I say it - backup, backup, backup:)

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