I'm not sure if this is an XP game, but this is the closest NG I could find
that anyone goes to.
The Hearts game does not appear to deal the cards in a remotely random
manner. Certain characteristics occur far too often, such as a 4,3,3,3
distribution of the 13 spades, or the 2,3,4,5 of hearts each being with a
different player. Although the computer players are hopeless players, and I
win more games than my three electronic opponents combined, it does get a
little tiresome when you see the same thing happening so often. If the 3 and
4 of hearts are on the table and I'm next with the 5, you can almost count
on it that the last player will play the 2. It's as though the programmer
decided that card distribution should be more even than would occur with a
properly shuffled real deck of cards, and rigged the deal to some extent, or
maybe it's just a lousy random generator being used. Anyway, if someone
knows why the cards are dealt this way, I'd like to hear it.
It's rigged all rights, but if you're a good player you should win 70% of the time or more. I'm up to 78.5% after 20 games. I've been playing this for about ten years though and often reset scores when the rigging gets too annoying.