hdd crash how to restore my outlook2000 data



hi ho,

im using win98se and office2000 premium

after a hdd crash i cant boot the system
now i have a second pc with a new install of all
and i try to restore my personal thinks:

sort rulez

i have found my e-mails in
to restore this data i open up outlook writte a new e-mail,
but before i sent it i closed x the window and have saved
the changes.
now outlook knows where the file is and after a reboot
copy the old psd over the new pst.

i have found my rulez in
microsoft outlook internet settings.rwz
but how to restore? just copy and paste it?

but i cant find the rest of my data.
please help me

mfg Jan Karel

sorry for my writting im not good in english
and its my first newsgroup posting.


ok after trying this i know
1. the psd file fist ( contains e-mails, adresses,?
calender? and personal folders
2. account data ?in registry?
3. just copy and paste the files in
to restore the rulez

and i know now to do it step by step becouse the rulez go
wrong without the accounts.

but i cant find my account data.


phone is great
the registry part for this is in c:\windows\user.dat
open in wordpad and search for "Account Name"
thx to all

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