Having AutoPlay execute a VBScript on every disc




What I know:
1) how to setup a handler (TweakUI)
2) how to set the handler on drives and "types"

When I execute AutoPlay on the drive, I get the error that "F:/ is not
a valid WIN32 application," the F drive being the targeted drive.

It does not execute the VBScript at all.

I'd like to take in the drive letter.
Correct me if I'm wrong: reading the handler setup, I can see that %L
will give me the letter upon Autoplay execution as the first argument,
and can take that into the script using WScript.Arguments(0).

I'm mostly concerned about why AutoPlay is causing that error.




i got it to work by editing the handler to launch wscript.exe then
putting the vbscript as a variable.

But, now... I can't get AutoPlay to, well... AutoPlay on mixed content

I've only been working on this script for hours, and this is the last

George Hester

Make sure you let us know if you ever get Autoplay to work in Windows XP
with it. Try it in Windows 2000 also just to see if it might work there.

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