Have 2 processors - W2K sees 4...how can this be?


Brian Sandison

OK, this is an interesting one. We have a Lotus Notes
Domino server that has a periodic problem which culminates
in Notes running out of resources.

Looking more into this I noticed that Task Manager and
also Diags reports 4 processors even though the server has
only got 2. Anyone able to explain this?


Thomas Iwang

Hi Brian

Your server is just equipped with an Xeon hypertreaded
Intel CPU - the bios act as if it had double as many cpu's
then as installed if hypertreading is enabled - Intel
claims it gives an ~ 33% performace boost

kind regards

Thomas Iwang

Brian Sandison

Thanks Thomas, I had never heard of this before but you
are right - I have 2 x 2GB Xeon's.


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