Hard DRive lost?!



i am in panic!!! pls pls pls help i am using win xp and i
have two hard drives. 120 gb Primary hard drive and 30gb
secondary hard drive with one partition. everything was
running fine till now. i used my 30 gb hard drive jus for
my project files and storing important data. (tho i had
win xp installed on it as i used that hard drive before i
bought my 120 gb hard drive).
so anyways....now when my computer boots up it detects
both the hard drives but my 30gb (maxtor) doesnt show up
in My computer or any other ways to acess it. (explorer
or command prompt). i am in panic and i wud b reaallly
thankful to everyone who cud help me get my hard drive
back or atleast hlp me retrive all my data. thank u all
very much. pls help .
the 30 gb drive DOESNT even show up in Disk
Management....it doesnt show up in any part part of
windows other then BIOS itself..... all the jumpers and
setting r alright..... PLS PLS PLS help


you've look for errors in event viewer? (eventvwr.msc)...
You'll check what it's the status of the drive in disk administrator... if
it appears there...

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