Halo 3 In My Hands Right Now!!!

Aug 2, 2007
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Yes mates you heard me right I'm holding it as we speak... I have been asked not to go online with it untill the 25 ... The Red sticker on top says DO NOT SELL BEFORE 9/25/07... Well Single player here I come!!:p
Last edited:
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score

Pardon gents but idk if you would like to know about the game in advance(Specifics) or do you not want me to spoil it for everyone? If you blokes want Info I will provide what I can, However I also know everyone has been waiting a long time for this and I don't want to take anything away from your personal gaming expirience, If nothing is asked of me specifically then discretion will prevail, And actualy I will wait to hear from Ian or Muck before I post anything.

Thank You
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Well as most of you have surmised by now there is no Audio Control with this game much to my surprise there exists an extensive video recording and camera but no audio... when as is my habit to listen to music like
the MIGHTY ZEP or OZZY whilst I play. If you play your music anyway you will get a message stating you that your music is on.. and you won't be able to hear anything else at all if you don't turn your music off....

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