grouping a form


yaniv d

hello everyone,
i need help very urgent,i need to build group headers and group footers
that appears in a report to implement it on a form.(it can be compared
to 3d object and 1d object)
report is very good for grouping and to get very high resolution of
cuts but its stiff for updating,on the other head a form is very
flexible for updating but its seems very complicated to build a

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Use a subform within the form for your "groups". Each subform would be a

I'm curious about your statement concerning using a report to update data?
I'm not aware that you can do such a task in ACCESS.

yaniv d

yes,this is exacly what i ment,report is very stiff,you cannot update
or change anything,this is why i requested to build a form that will
implament this issue.
lots of headache not sure i can do it.
how can you implament grouping in a subform?,
its very complex becaouse its base on a father-child issue,its little
bit cloumzy and un-editble:(

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

A subform would be used to display a subset of the data, using one or more
fields as the "criteria" for selecting the item. Not difficult to do --
except when we have no idea about your data structure, etc.... < g > so tell
us a bit more details.

yaniv d

the data should be preform with a grouping level,but the issue is the
the grouping level is changing and its not the same all the time.that
means that i will probbly need to do alot of forms to perform every
resolution.for example:
1.countries->location->job category->...
2.countries->job category->location->...
and every grouping level will perform a calculation of sum or avarage

yaniv d

the data should be preform with a grouping level,but the issue is the
the grouping level is changing and its not the same all the time.that
means that i will probbly need to do alot of forms to perform every
resolution.for example:
1.countries->location->job category->...
2.countries->job category->location->...
and every grouping level will perform a calculation of sum or avarage

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

You can programmatically change the properties (including the record source
for the subform's Source Object form) to make the subform change what it
shows, but I don't know anything about your data and setup to provide
specific advice.

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