group on fields



I have a report that organizes certain information about
students in our project. There are separate fields for the
students' First Names and Last Names. How can I group the
records associated with the students on both their first
and last names? Grouping on Last Name only presents
problems since there are many students with the same last


Dennis Schmidt

Hi Greg,

My name is Dennis Schmidt. Thank you for using the Access Newsgroups.

It depends on how you want the output of your report to print. There are
several ways to accomplish this:

1- Open report in design view, select Sorting And Grouping. Then add
LastName and FirstName as separate sorts. With text boxes in the detail
section, the records will be sorted by both fields.

2- Create a query and a column in the query where you join the two names
together. If you then sort on that column, you will get the desired
results. Column heading would be something like:

FullName: [FirstName] & " " & [LastName]

I hope this helps! If you have additional questions on this topic, please
reply to this posting.

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Dennis Schmidt
Microsoft Support

Marshall Barton

Greg said:
I have a report that organizes certain information about
students in our project. There are separate fields for the
students' First Names and Last Names. How can I group the
records associated with the students on both their first
and last names? Grouping on Last Name only presents
problems since there are many students with the same last

Group on an expression that combines the two names:

=lastname & ", " & firstname

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