GoTo command



I am a novice at this, however, I have form with a "Reason" field that
contains a Combo Box List. The list contains "Rework" and "Scrap" as the drop
down choices. If Scrap is chosen, I want to set a command to go to the
"Price" field as the very next field to populate. Is there a way to set a
command to go to a certain field based on which response is chosen from a
previous field's drop down list?


After update event of the combo box.

if me.cboReason.value = "Scrap" Then
me.Price.Set Focus
Me.Somethingelse.set focus
End if

Something like that. I won't swear by it and I just pulled it out of the air.

Dirk Goldgar

Mushroom said:
After update event of the combo box.

if me.cboReason.value = "Scrap" Then
me.Price.Set Focus
Me.Somethingelse.set focus
End if

Something like that. I won't swear by it and I just pulled it out of
the air.

It's pretty good, but use


instead of

.Set Focus

That is, the SetFocus method is one word, without a space.


You know, I thought that didn't look right! It was too close to quittin'
time at work!

Thanks for the correction.

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