Goodbye OpenOffice



After speding three hours finishing up an essay, I spent almost an
equal amount of time trying to assign three different page styles,
which would result in having three different headers. So, this way I
could have a title page with no page numbers, a main body of the essay,
with page numbers, and then a bibliography, of course sans page

In most other word processors, this would normally be a simple
matter--just assign these properties to the document via one simple
user dialog. In OpenOffice Writer, doing things simply, for me is
merely an exersise in wishful thinking.

In OpenOffice, one has to use the stylist to first assign a style to a
page, and then all the attributes, such as page numbers, etc. "stick"
to the appropriate page. What the help documentation (as well as
numerous forums!) says to do is, to open the stylist, and double-click
the style (after putting the cursor on the page you wish to assing the
style to).

My problem is in trying to assign three styles, a first page, default
and custom ("biblio") style. When I get the first two styles down ok, I
go to the last page, insert the cursor on the page, and then
double-click on the custom style, "biblio", it applies the style
alright, *but* it also applies to to the preceding style--the default
style--which, of course, I dont bloody want.

Then, I go to the "page organizer" dialog, and try to assign the
desried sequence of styles, by selecting the current style, next style,
etc., and this does the same bloody thing. It automatically assigns the
style (biblio) to that page, as well as to the last style (default)!?
This seems to be an easy matter to do this with two styles, but with
three, its a tautlogical pain.

I have no use for such an irrational, unconventional way of doing
things, that after I get this essay finished, I will uninstall this
user-unfriendly, monstrous timewaster from my machine, for good. I
wonder who the mental midget is who decided to design OpenOffice
Writer's page style-header/footer convention like this? All the other
similar word processors out there, such as MS Word, WordPerfect,
TextMaker,etc. do this with no fuss whatsoever. Hardly what I would
call "Productivity" software...

One has to be the Amazing Kreskin to figure this out. If the folks at
OpenOffice think that this will ever replace, or even seriously
challenge MS Word, they are dreaming--as if the average Joe/Jane has
loads of time in the course of their average workday to negotiate this
kind of unecessary BS. and irrational interface.</rant>

Maybe I will look at 602ProPC Suite after this...Or just buy Textmaker.


I have to agree. Am currently trying out the new, new version of OOo and
hate it. What is that ugly box with the buttons and bullets and backgrounds
doing right in the middle of the work area. I don't want to see that junk
unless I call for it. Also tried 602. Became frustrated with lack of
functionality. I love freeware but the office suites currently available
have a ways to go. I'm searching now for my Office 2000 disks.


John Hood

xtort said:
After speding three hours finishing up an essay, I spent almost an
equal amount of time trying to assign three different page styles,
which would result in having three different headers. So, this way I
could have a title page with no page numbers, a main body of the essay,
with page numbers, and then a bibliography, of course sans page

In most other word processors, this would normally be a simple
matter--just assign these properties to the document via one simple
user dialog. In OpenOffice Writer, doing things simply, for me is
merely an exersise in wishful thinking.

In OpenOffice, one has to use the stylist to first assign a style to a
page, and then all the attributes, such as page numbers, etc. "stick"
to the appropriate page. What the help documentation (as well as
numerous forums!) says to do is, to open the stylist, and double-click
the style (after putting the cursor on the page you wish to assing the
style to).

My problem is in trying to assign three styles, a first page, default
and custom ("biblio") style. When I get the first two styles down ok, I
go to the last page, insert the cursor on the page, and then
double-click on the custom style, "biblio", it applies the style
alright, *but* it also applies to to the preceding style--the default
style--which, of course, I dont bloody want.

Then, I go to the "page organizer" dialog, and try to assign the
desried sequence of styles, by selecting the current style, next style,
etc., and this does the same bloody thing. It automatically assigns the
style (biblio) to that page, as well as to the last style (default)!?
This seems to be an easy matter to do this with two styles, but with
three, its a tautlogical pain.

I have no use for such an irrational, unconventional way of doing
things, that after I get this essay finished, I will uninstall this
user-unfriendly, monstrous timewaster from my machine, for good. I
wonder who the mental midget is who decided to design OpenOffice
Writer's page style-header/footer convention like this? All the other
similar word processors out there, such as MS Word, WordPerfect,
TextMaker,etc. do this with no fuss whatsoever. Hardly what I would
call "Productivity" software...

One has to be the Amazing Kreskin to figure this out. If the folks at
OpenOffice think that this will ever replace, or even seriously
challenge MS Word, they are dreaming--as if the average Joe/Jane has
loads of time in the course of their average workday to negotiate this
kind of unecessary BS. and irrational interface.</rant>

Maybe I will look at 602ProPC Suite after this...Or just buy Textmaker.
Weird! I tested this out and it works fine if you apply create a section
or manual break, and then apply a style to that break. This is
OpenOffice 1.1.4.

John Hood
Web Site
"The best home and business free software, no ads, no time limits, no
"No kidding."

J. David Boyd

John Hood said:
Weird! I tested this out and it works fine if you apply create a section or
manual break, and then apply a style to that break. This is OpenOffice

I don't think the OP was inserting breaks between pages to move to the
appropriate styles...



IMHO from using it this program actually has become even less stable than
previous builds.

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