Goffice, another office suite on line


Marten Kemp

whats the point of these online apps? Is it for people running a 486
with a 120M HDD on broadband?

What's wrong with using a 486 with a 120mb hdd, as long as it
provides the functionality that the user wants? Hell, part of
my systems mix is a 40mHz 386 running Win 3.11. It provides all
the functionality I want from it -- running my EPROM maker and
acting as a 'lowest common denominator' intranet client.

-- Marten Kemp
(Fix name and ISP to reply)
.... Skitt's Law: Anyone who corrects an error in someone else's
Usenet posting will commit a comparable error in the process.
P.S.: Skitt denies the attribution, and there is no
canonical wording of "his" law.
--Mike Fleming on soc.history.what-if
* TagZilla 0.059 * http://tagzilla.mozdev.org


What's wrong with using a 486 with a 120mb hdd, as long as it
provides the functionality that the user wants?

Nothing AFAIK. Are you making unwarranted assumptions?

However this unlikely mix is about the only setup I could imagine that
online apps would be any advantage over onboard apps for. There must be
very few users with kit so historic its better to word process over the
net, yet have broadband connected to it. Very few!


Marten Kemp

Nothing AFAIK. Are you making unwarranted assumptions?

However this unlikely mix is about the only setup I could imagine that
online apps would be any advantage over onboard apps for. There must be
very few users with kit so historic its better to word process over the
net, yet have broadband connected to it. Very few!

Yes, I may have made an unwarranted assumption. It *sounded* as if
you were casting nasturtiums[0] at people who are using ancient and
limited kit[1]. If this wasn't your intention then I apologize.
It *is* altogether possible for a broadband connection to be less
expensive than dial-up, especially in light of the plethora of
packaging options.

[0] The Dowager Duchess of Denver, in _Strong Poison_ IIRC.
[1] "Ancient and limited" all too often being defined as
"bought it last Thursday."

-- Marten Kemp
(Fix name and ISP to reply)
.... There is only one Gosh, and Jeepers is His son.
* TagZilla 0.059 * http://tagzilla.mozdev.org

Ron May

...this unlikely mix is about the only setup I could imagine that
online apps would be any advantage over onboard apps for. There must be
very few users with kit so historic its better to word process over the
net, yet have broadband connected to it. Very few!

Online apps have some advantages in terms of being accessable from
almost any internet-connected computer (e.g., at a client location or
an out of town library,) or when you are collaborating with others.
There are other methods for sure (USB Flash drive, webmail, etc.) but
online apps supply another avenue when IT security measures limit some
options. It never hurts to have several ways to accomplish a task.

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