czechmate said:
I downloaded photos from camera to a My Pictures folder on my
desktop, giving each photo a unique caption.
The captions display when running a preview or slideshow on my
I made a CD of the folder, loaded it into my laptop, observed that the
titles were retained.
But, if I run a preview or a slideshow on the laptop, the captions
don't display.
WHY? How to fix?
It depends on the viewer you are using.
If you use the freeware IrfanView or FastStone
Image Viewer you can choose to show file names
and other options in your slideshow.
Download Irfanview
(get the plug-ins too)
FastStone Image Viewer
Far less vital, is there a way to change the 5 second span between
photos in a slideshow?
Since you are in this ng I'm guessing you
are running Windows XP?
Simple that you can pause the
slide show by pressing your spacebar and
then advance - reverse your image display
with your arrow keys. and install TweakUI. It has
an option that allows the user to adjust the
slideshow timeout.
Just open TweakUI and go to...Explorer /
Slide Show...(1000 = 1 second)
Windows XP PowerToys / free download
(Itanium version is only for 64-bit systems)
More options:
This requires a registry edit........
I would suggest that you carefully read the
following article first before proceeding:
Information About Editing the Registry
There's a script you can download from the
following site that will increase the timeout
to 10 seconds...scroll down to #81.
Also, the following info was previously posted
by David Shiflet:
The value of the number is represented in milliseconds
between image changes:
1000 = 1 second, 5000 = 5 seconds, 10000=10 seconds,
etc. To modify my script change the time accordingly.
In order to change the slideshow timing, open regedit
and go to the following key.
Create a DWORD named "Timeout", with the value the
number of millseconds between image changes (1000
(Dec) = 1 second, 5000 = 5 seconds)
Note that the time of actually changing the image is not
included, so 1000 =1 second + time to decode the image
If you open the script from Kelly's site in notepad, you
should be able to use David's instructions to change
the timeout to anything you require.
Good luck....
John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP
Digital Image
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