Getting Excel Data from One Sheet to Another....



Hey Guys,

I have the following Excel problem at work and I am not sure how to
solve it. Here is the low down:

Excel Sheet #1 Data (First line is the header - [Person and Job])
Person Job
Fred ?
Fred ?
Sam ?
Kevin ?
Kevin ?
Julie ?

Excel Sheet #2 Data (First line is the Header - [Person and Job])
Person Job
Fred Mop Boy
Julie Hostess
Sam Burger Man
Kevin Manager

Now here is the situation that I have. Based on the how the "Person"
Column corresponds to the "Job" Column in Excel Sheet #2, I want to
populate the "Job" column in Excel Sheet #1. I am unsure about how to
go about this automatically. I have a large amount of data that I
need to do this for and it would be a lot of work to do this manually
by hand. Can anyone help me out?

After I am done populating the "Job" Column in Excel Sheet #1 it
should look like this:

Excel Sheet #1 Data (First line is the header - [Person and Job])
Person Job
Fred Mop Boy
Fred Mop Boy
Sam Burger Man
Kevin Manager
Kevin Manager
Julie Hostess


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