Getting Css to "hit" the text



Hi, I've got this code (which have beeb giving me lots of trouble...).
It's a .NET webapplikation project, written in C# - and now with some
Javescript written in to it:

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter w)
if (helpString!=null)
w.Write("<span class='tooltipiconouter'><img title =
'"+this.helpString+"' class='tooltipIconInner' align='center' src =
'../Lib/images/questionmark.gif' a href='#' onclick = 'myWin =\"\", \"\", \"width=300, height=200, directories=no\");
myWin.document.write(\"" +helpString+"\");'></a></span>");

Now it would seem as if class='tooltipIconInner' have some affect on my
myWin.document.write(\"" +helpString+"\");
But it doesn't, why? Do I have to write class='tooltipIconInner' in to
the code some where diffrent or what?

The HTML that is generated look like this:

<td><span id="_ctl0_EditOrganization1_EXTLABEL1"
class="brod">Text</span><span class='tooltipiconouter'><img title =
'TextTextTextText Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
TextTextTextText'class='tooltipIconInner' align='center' src =
'../Lib/images/questionmark.gif' a href='#' onclick = 'myWin ="", "", "width=300, height=200, directories=no");
myWin.document.write("TextTextTextText Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text TextTextTextText");'></a></span></td>

Hans Kesting

Nat said:
Hi, I've got this code (which have beeb giving me lots of trouble...).
It's a .NET webapplikation project, written in C# - and now with some
Javescript written in to it:

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter w)
if (helpString!=null)
w.Write("<span class='tooltipiconouter'><img title =
'"+this.helpString+"' class='tooltipIconInner' align='center' src =
'../Lib/images/questionmark.gif' a href='#' onclick = 'myWin =\"\", \"\", \"width=300, height=200, directories=no\");
myWin.document.write(\"" +helpString+"\");'></a></span>");

Now it would seem as if class='tooltipIconInner' have some affect on my
myWin.document.write(\"" +helpString+"\");
But it doesn't, why? Do I have to write class='tooltipIconInner' in to
the code some where diffrent or what?

The HTML that is generated look like this:

<td><span id="_ctl0_EditOrganization1_EXTLABEL1"
class="brod">Text</span><span class='tooltipiconouter'><img title =
'TextTextTextText Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
TextTextTextText'class='tooltipIconInner' align='center' src =

I don't see a space before "class", typo? The browser might like/require it.
'../Lib/images/questionmark.gif' a href='#' onclick = 'myWin =

Here you mix <a href> code into the <img> element. I think you want to


Thanks for your help. But I solved it, at last, by splitting it in to
pieces and adding some html (more document.write), like this:

<img title = '"+this.helpString+"' align='center' src =
'../Lib/images/questionmark.gif' a href='#' onclick = 'myWin =\"\", \"\", \"width=300, height=500, directories=no\");
myWin.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#EDF4FB><font size=2
face=arial>\"); myWin.document.write(\""+helpString+"\");

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