Getpivot date w/ relative reference



I am or have been attempting to extract data from a pivot table. I would
like to use a reference in "sheet 1" cell $A1 as the "item" in the
getpivotdata (the pivot table is in a separate sheet) formula below.

=GETPIVOTDATA("3Q06",$A$3,"Linking - Building code","11")


all my efforts have resulted in #ref results.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated

Debra Dalgleish

While creating the formula, you should be able to go to Sheet 1 and
click on the cell that you want to reference. Using your example, where
the "11" is a cell reference on Sheet 1:

=GETPIVOTDATA("3Q06",$A$3,"Linking - Building code",'Sheet 1'!J2)


Thanks for your response, but I am still at a loss:

If i use this formula:
=GETPIVOTDATA("3Q06",$A$3,"Linking - Building code","11")
It will return the correct answer of 405.

However, if i simply change the "11" to the cell reference J2 (which
contains the number 11), i get the error #ref.

=+GETPIVOTDATA("3Q06",$A$3,"Linking - Building code",J2)

Is there some syntax that I am missing????

Debra Dalgleish

The building codes in your pivot table are text, instead of real
numbers. The 11 that you typed in the cell is a number, and "11" in the
formula is text, so they'll return different results.

In the cell, if you type an apostrophe before the number: '11
or format the cell as Text, then enter a number, the reference should
work correctly.


i appreciate your help; but i did it both ways: format as text and '11. Any
other suggestions because i am sure at a loss

Debra Dalgleish

What's the result if you try:

=GETPIVOTDATA("3Q06",$A$3,"Linking - Building code",J2&"")


Wow, now i tried "=" & j2 and it didn't work. But Js&"" worked perfect!
Now, how did you know to do that? What does it represent? And thank you for
your help and time.

Debra Dalgleish

You're welcome! Joining an empty string ("") to a number is another way
to change a number to text. Since the other techniques didn't work for
you, I hoped this one would.

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