Hi Gord
Yes, it is.
However, I had never really investigated the "List" properly in 2003.
But the "Table" in 2007 is an Object with it's own properties and the
way it behaves when trying to access the Autofilter dropdowns
(automatically created) is slightly different from accessing and
manipulating the autofilter in a standard "list" as Xl2007 would now
refer to a straightforward set of columns and rows. This is the same in
both 2003 and 2007
One you choose, Insert Tab>Table, having started from any cell within
your list, it defines the used range for you, asks whether there are
Headers, adds filters exactly the same as with Excel 2003. The table
automatically "grows" as you add more data the same as 2003 so it saves
creating dynamic ranges as an input to Pivot Tables for example.
The Object has a number of additional features over the 2003 model
however, including the neat facility of auto freeze panes on the header
when you scroll down the sheet, but, the column labels A,B,C etc.
disappear, with the actual header labels fixed.
Getting External data is the same in both versions, from within the
"Table", those options are greyed out.