Get DVDErr, 338944 when trying to burn DVDs



I've tried burning to both TDK & LiteOn Burners using Premiere Pro, Nero 6, &
Adobe Encore. The transcode seems to work, the burn starts and then stops
part way through with the message "DVDErr, 338944"
I'm running Windows XP, Pentium 4 3.2G, with 1G of RAM
No trouble burning CDs or very short DVDs.

Nathan McNulty

How is your power supply? It sounds almost like the drive may be having
problems writing for extended periods of time. You can also check for
firmware updates for the DVD Burners as the media you are using may not
be fully supported. Just a couple of thoughts :)

Tom Kimmel

I had the same error using Legacy DVD-R media (inkjet printable) but
TDK DVD+R and Imation DVD+RW worked fine. I have a Lite-On LDW 451S
burner. Upgrading the firmware from GSB6 to GSB9 seems to have solved
the problem. Good luck.


I replaced my 440 WATT powert supply with an ANTEC True Power 550 and just
finished burning a complex 90 minute Encore project sith no problems.
Thanks big time.

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