Generic Client/Server app sample source code.


Sin Jeong-hun

I need to write little applications with c/s model. I need basic
features like,
1)The server should be able to handle multiple clients at the same
time. (multithreaded)
2)The clients and the server can send and receive data.

I think these could be very generic requirements. I searched the
internet for samples where I can get started, but the source codes were
too simple and showed unrealistic behaviours. I mean those examples
just send a string and then receive a string then exit in the main
method. No concurrent send/receive between server/clients. Isn't there
any example that shows more realistic sample programs where for the
server, a listening thread keeps running and passes the event to the
UI. And for the client,something like a send method and a received
event? Sorry if my explination is too vague , I'll write a pseudo
program below. I think these server and client classes are so generic
that they could be a library and reused in my applications. So is there
any article or sample program like these? Thank you for reading this.

(form's init)
Server server = new Server(12345);

void OnClientDataReceived(Client sender, object data)

(form's init)
Client client = new Client("", 12345);

void OnSendButtonClicked(..)

void OnQuitButtonClicked(...)

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