Hi Duck,
If I understand you, you want a field in your Table the value of which is
the combination of several ID numbers in that same table. You can do it like
Add a Combo Box to your Form. Set the Record Source as the Table field
where you want the combination of numbers. I will call it SalesOrderNo.
SELECT [YourPKFieldName] & [Item1ID] & [Item2ID] & [Item3ID] AS
SalesOrderNo, YourTableName.YourPKFieldName
FROM YourTableName
The WHERE part of the SQL makes only the right number appear in your Combo
Box List to avoid a data entry error.
Place the SQL Statement in the Row Source of the Form's Properties Sheet.
You can save the SQL As a Query if you want and put the Query Name as the Row
Click the Format Tab on the Form's Properties Sheet.
Make sure the Column Count is set to 2
and the Column Widths are something like 1";1"
and the List Width is set to 2"
and you can set the Column Heads to Yes
To Add Dashes between the numbers you will have to make sure the Table's
SalesOrderNo Field is set to Text. You can add the dashes like this:
SELECT [YourPKFieldName] & "-" & [Item1ID] & "-" & [Item2ID] & "-" &
[Item3ID] AS SalesOrderNo, YourTableName.YourPKFieldName
FROM YourTableName
You can also replace the dashes with periods, but then the field will still
have to still be a Text Field.
Please post back and let me know if this is what you need and if it works.
http://easymsaccess.blogspot.com (Simple Access Tips)