Funky Characters appear ABOVE letters in subject and body of messa



I have yet another strange issue that is happening in the enterprise. I have
been forwarded a few messages that come in from execs that have funny
characters in the body and subject.

Ok, what are the "funky" characters? You all know what a CARROT looks like
(Shift 6 ^) ok, imagine this ^ on TOP of various different letters. I'll try
to type how it is in the email (It prolly wont look exactly like it here but
I'll try)

^ ^ ^
Jeff had to to leave work early

OK, only different is the ^ is laying directly on top of the letter and
touching it. So, it's not like above where it looks like it's spaced or is on
another paragraph.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Jeff Flack, MCSE
Systems Management Support
University of Rochester


Hi Jeff,
I have a couple of questions for you:

1) Version of Outlook?
2) Exchange or POP3? If Exchange can the problem be duplicated using OWA?
3) Does the user have a PST? What size is it?
4) Does this occur with all fonts or just one?
5) What format are they using: plain, rich text, or HTML?
6) Are there any Office-related errors in the Application Event Viewer?


Outlook 2003
Windows XP
Standard Outlook Font out of the box

Update: The characters only appear in PREVIEW pane. Sorry, totally left that
out. When you open the message by iteself, it's all good. In the preview
pain though, it has a few funky characters. And their font/size/color are
all default for preview pane reading.


No PST? These are Exchange accounts then? Have you checked whether or not the
problem displays in OWA?


ONly in preview pane in Outlook it happens. No PST. Im not sure how that is
relevant, but...

Only in the preview pane do we see it.

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