FTP service on XP Home ????

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ford Clan
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Ford said:
Hi All
Can you add/install an ftp server/service (IIS ?) on XP Home edition.


Don't think it's available. Check your Home CD. Could be you can find
a 3rd party FTP server that will work, though.
Ford said:
Hi All
Can you add/install an ftp server/service (IIS ?) on XP Home edition.


Yes you can. You need to go down to your local software store and find the
blue box marked "Windows XP Professional Upgrade" pay for it and bring it
back home and install it. There you now have IIS.

Card carrying member of the Fresh Start Club 'The Undead Are People Too!'

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Same problem here - pouring, brolley-less - can't stand the things - but no GPs appt. until Wednesday. If it's still chucking it down then, I'll ask him to come out and see me - some hope!! You must something out of these NGs - I know I do.

Take care.

<lol> At least I've got the sunshine Will can you keep the rain on your side
for a while.<g>
Just got some new toys to play with, a 6 card reader and a tablet with pen
to write on just got to figure out how to connect it up <vbg>

Within reasonable reach of Wimbledon - that says it all.

Will said:
Within reasonable reach of Wimbledon - that says it all.



Not too far away from me then.


Card carrying member of the Fresh Start Club 'The Undead Are People Too!'

Reply address is fake. Please send all praise, abuse, insults, bequests
of £1million to cassandra (at) craigy34 (dot) freeserve (dot) co (dot)
uk. Change the obvious to the obvious.
Private requests for assistance will not be acknowledged. Please post all
correspondence to the group so that all may benefit. Thank you.
IIS i dont know, but Bulletproof works perfect on XP Home

IIS is a very limited FTP server anyway. You have to put everything you
want to access in its ftproot folder, I believe.

I'd recommend Cerberus FTP server. It's free for home use, and allows a
virtual directory structure (meaning you can access files from multiple
drives and make it look like a single directory structure)