
I would like to have my application FTP a file to a server after a user
uploads a file to another server. I would like something similar to
this, except to work in C#.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
' FTP via ASP without using 3rd-party components
' Ben Meghreblian 15th Jan 2002
' benmeg at benmeg dot com / http://benmeg.com
' This script assumes the file to be FTP'ed is in the same directory as
this script.
' It should be obvious how to change this (*hint* change the lcd line).
' You may specify a wildcard in ftp_files_to_put (e.g. *.txt).

' NB: You need to have C:\winnt\system32\wshom.ocx registered to use
the WSCRIPT.SHELL object.
' It is registered by default, but is sometimes removed for security
reasons (no kidding!).
' You will also need cmd.exe in the path, which again is there, unless
the box is locked down.
' Check with your web host/resident sysadmin if in doubt.
' NB: This script was originally written in response to a thread on a
Wrox ASP mailing list.
' At the time, I was hosting on a shared NT4/IIS4 box and the script
worked fine. Since I wrote
' it, several people have got in contact asking why it doesn't work on
later versions of either
' Windows or IIS. The answer is probably either as mentioned in the
above NB, or to do with
' firewalls restricting outbound traffic from and/or to certain ports.
This said, many people
' have successfully used this code to FTP to/from Windows 2000/Windows
XP boxes running IIS5/IIS6.
Dim objFSO, objTextFile, oScript, oScriptNet, oFileSys, oFile, strCMD,
strTempFile, strCommandResult
Dim ftp_address, ftp_username, ftp_password, ftp_physical_path,
ftp_files_to_put, ftp_remote_directory

' Edit these variables to match your specifications
ftp_address = "ftp.server.com"
ftp_username = "username"
ftp_password = "password"
ftp_remote_directory = "subdirectory" ' Leave blank if uploading to
root directory
ftp_files_to_put = "file.txt" ' You can use wildcards here
(e.g. *.txt)
On Error Resume Next
Set oScript = Server.CreateObject("WSCRIPT.SHELL")
Set oFileSys = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Build our ftp-commands file
Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath("test.ftp"))
objTextFile.WriteLine "lcd " & Server.MapPath(".")
objTextFile.WriteLine "open " & ftp_address
objTextFile.WriteLine ftp_username
objTextFile.WriteLine ftp_password

' Check to see if we need to issue a 'cd' command
If ftp_remote_directory <> "" Then
objTextFile.WriteLine "cd " & ftp_remote_directory
End If

objTextFile.WriteLine "prompt"

' If the file(s) is/are binary (i.e. .jpg, .mdb, etc..), uncomment the
following line' objTextFile.WriteLine "binary"
' If there are multiple files to put, we need to use the command
'mput', instead of 'put'
If Instr(1, ftp_files_to_put, "*",1) Then
objTextFile.WriteLine "mput " & ftp_files_to_put
objTextFile.WriteLine "put " & ftp_files_to_put
End If
objTextFile.WriteLine "bye"
Set objTextFile = Nothing
' Use cmd.exe to run ftp.exe, parsing our newly created command file
strCMD = "ftp.exe -s:" & Server.MapPath("test.ftp")
strTempFile = "C:\" & oFileSys.GetTempName( )
' Pipe output from cmd.exe to a temporary file (Not :| Steve)
Call oScript.Run ("cmd.exe /c " & strCMD & " > " & strTempFile, 0,
Set oFile = oFileSys.OpenTextFile (strTempFile, 1, False, 0)

On Error Resume Next
' Grab output from temporary file
strCommandResult = Server.HTMLEncode( oFile.ReadAll )
' Delete the temporary & ftp-command files
Call oFileSys.DeleteFile( strTempFile, True )
Call objFSO.DeleteFile( Server.MapPath("test.ftp"), True )
Set oFileSys = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
' Print result of FTP session to screen
Response.Write( Replace( strCommandResult, vbCrLf, "<br>", 1, -1, 1) )

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


If you have access to .NET 2.0 on the server, then I would create an
FtpWebRequest and then send the file through that. If you don't have access
to this, then I would recommend looking at the Indy Project, located at
(watch for line wrap):


It has native .NET classes that will allow you to use the FTP protocol.

You have to make sure that the user that the ASP.NET page is running
under has access to the network though in order to do this (or any other
network operation, for that matter).

Hope this helps.

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