Front Page downloads at 28.8kbps no matter what on my 4mbps connec



I have two computers I use for editing web pages. I've always thought the
download was slow, but this is ridiculous. I just realized it's downloading
at 28.8kpbs even though my connection is a cab;e modem with 4mbps bandwidth.

Everything else downloads just fine at high speed including when I browse my
website in html browse mode, right-click on a file and save it. It downloads
at well over 3mbps, no problem, always.

Similarly, if I access any of my websites in FTP, the files download at at
least 3mbps, no problem, every time, always.

However, as I said, I have two nearly identical 3GHz computers, both with MS
Office 2000. One machine runs XP Home and Front Page 2000 and the other
machine runs XP Pro and Front Page 2002.

Both download in Front Page at 28.8kbps always.

Also, this is not a mistaken display. I've timed the downloading of files
100 times and both machines' Front Page installations download at 28.8kbps.

Neither one of these machines has EVER even had a dial-up modem in them.

None of my other programs ever download at 28.8kbps.

I play games and watch videos all the time at max speeds, no problem.

Only Front Page does this, both 2000 on XP Home and 2002 on XP Pro.

My netwrork is hooked up via an ethernet cabled Linksys router via a linksys
cable modem.

I cannot find any settings anywhere where there is even an opton in Front
Page 2000 or 2002 to select any kind of communication speed or type.

Please help.



By the way, UPLOAD speed is just fine. I can upload at a ZIPPY 512kbps from
either machine on both Front Page 2000 and Front Page 2002. It is only the
DOWNLOAD speed which is a problem and that is obviously a HUGE problem.

I just tried to open a 1MB jpg picture file from within Front Page 2000
using my 3mbps cable connrection and it took forever to open (I didn't time
it because I took my dogs out back after waiting two minutes and it still
wasn't open).

I opened this same picture file via internet explorer and it took 3 seconds.

By the way, when I access any of my websites from my computer at my day-job
using Front Page 2000, it downloads extremely fast, so it is NOT a webhosting
problem. It is a Front Page problem with both 2000 and 2002.

Please help!


Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

can you post a url for these slow downloading pages.
by downloading I assume you mean like "showing up in your browser"?

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.



"By the way, when I access any of my websites from my computer at my day-job
using Front Page 2000, it downloads extremely fast, so it is NOT a webhosting
problem. It is a Front Page problem with both 2000 and 2002"

would make me think it's something on your home machine. Does it download correctly - even though it's slow?


The material on these sites is password protected which I cannot give out here.

I will make an area open to the public and put a few files there if you can
tell me what the problem may be that could be with the files. There is
nothing wrong with the files. As mentioned, they download just fine by any
other method except Front Page. I've used FP at work for five years and I
know how to work Front Page 2000 extemely well.

If I want to make a complete backup of my online website, about 40MB in one
case, to my HDD, Front Page will take 3 or 4 hours to do so. When I do that
at work, it's a couple of minutes.

I note that you take this approach on every posting you respond to and then
tell the asker their files are messed up. Bogus.

There is nothing wrong with these files. The problem is Front Page
downloads at 28.8kbps. Front Page even SAYS it is downloading at 28.8kbps in
a little bar down in the lower right.

The problem is with Front Page, not my files.

Both of my Front Page installs do as I described. However, my
professionally installed - five years ago - Front Page on my computer at
work does NOT do that. It downloads so fast the box giving the estimated
download time and speed never has time to pop up even on multi-MB files.

Chris Leeds said:
can you post a url for these slow downloading pages.
by downloading I assume you mean like "showing up in your browser"?

Do you know anything about Front Page? When you click on a file in a folder
in Front Page, it comes up in Front Page, NOT your browser.


I am quite certain you are correct that the problem is something on my home
machines -- namely, the problem is that Front Page downloads at 28.8kbps.

Front Page even SAYS that it is downloading at 28.8kbps in a little box in
the lower right-hand corner.

Please tell me why in the world Front Page would select and limit itself to
a download speed of 28.8kbps when every opther program I have - and that's a
LOT of programs - ALL download at the proper speed my connection is rated at,
namely, 3 to 4 mbps, including Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer & Windows
FTP, two other FTP programs and numerous other programs.

Thomas A. Rowe


The issue is with FP and connection settings on your home machine, as you have indicate that using
FP at work, it work just fine.

When you are at work, what does FP show as the speed of these same pages? The time and speed shown
in the bottom right status bar has nothing to do with actual publishing, it is a estimate for the
amount of time the page will take to load in a browser, excluding images and other external content
linked to the page.

When publishing with FP2000 or FP2002, I do not see any indication of connection speed, where are
you seeing this?
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Obviously there is something on your home computer that is not on your work
computer. Therefore it's probably your computer and not FP.
I'd suspect spyware or adware.

Stefan B Rusynko

FP does not show an actual download or upload speed anywhere (while publishing), other than a progress bar

What is does show in the bottom right corner is how long it estimates the page will take to download in a browser (based on
file/content size)
You set that in Tools Options Reports View as a guide for you in developing the page


| The material on these sites is password protected which I cannot give out here.
| I will make an area open to the public and put a few files there if you can
| tell me what the problem may be that could be with the files. There is
| nothing wrong with the files. As mentioned, they download just fine by any
| other method except Front Page. I've used FP at work for five years and I
| know how to work Front Page 2000 extemely well.
| If I want to make a complete backup of my online website, about 40MB in one
| case, to my HDD, Front Page will take 3 or 4 hours to do so. When I do that
| at work, it's a couple of minutes.
| I note that you take this approach on every posting you respond to and then
| tell the asker their files are messed up. Bogus.
| There is nothing wrong with these files. The problem is Front Page
| downloads at 28.8kbps. Front Page even SAYS it is downloading at 28.8kbps in
| a little bar down in the lower right.
| The problem is with Front Page, not my files.
| Both of my Front Page installs do as I described. However, my
| professionally installed - five years ago - Front Page on my computer at
| work does NOT do that. It downloads so fast the box giving the estimated
| download time and speed never has time to pop up even on multi-MB files.
| "Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage" wrote:
| > can you post a url for these slow downloading pages.
| > by downloading I assume you mean like "showing up in your browser"?
| Do you know anything about Front Page? When you click on a file in a folder
| in Front Page, it comes up in Front Page, NOT your browser.
| >
| > --
| > Chris Leeds,
| > Microsoft MVP-FrontPage
| >
| > ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
| > a fantastic convenience for site owners.
| >
| > --
| > | > > I have two computers I use for editing web pages. I've always thought the
| > > download was slow, but this is ridiculous. I just realized it's
| > downloading
| > > at 28.8kpbs even though my connection is a cab;e modem with 4mbps
| > bandwidth.
| > >
| > > Everything else downloads just fine at high speed including when I browse
| > my
| > > website in html browse mode, right-click on a file and save it. It
| > downloads
| > > at well over 3mbps, no problem, always.
| > >
| > > Similarly, if I access any of my websites in FTP, the files download at at
| > > least 3mbps, no problem, every time, always.
| > >
| > > However, as I said, I have two nearly identical 3GHz computers, both with
| > MS
| > > Office 2000. One machine runs XP Home and Front Page 2000 and the other
| > > machine runs XP Pro and Front Page 2002.
| > >
| > > Both download in Front Page at 28.8kbps always.
| > >
| > > Also, this is not a mistaken display. I've timed the downloading of files
| > > 100 times and both machines' Front Page installations download at
| > 28.8kbps.
| > >
| > > Neither one of these machines has EVER even had a dial-up modem in them.
| > >
| > > None of my other programs ever download at 28.8kbps.
| > >
| > > I play games and watch videos all the time at max speeds, no problem.
| > >
| > > Only Front Page does this, both 2000 on XP Home and 2002 on XP Pro.
| > >
| > > My netwrork is hooked up via an ethernet cabled Linksys router via a
| > linksys
| > > cable modem.
| > >
| > > I cannot find any settings anywhere where there is even an opton in Front
| > > Page 2000 or 2002 to select any kind of communication speed or type.
| > >
| > > Please help.
| > >
| > > Thanks.
| > >
| >
| >
| >


What you are looking at is not how fast your page is downloading, but an estimate of how long it will take to download in a browser at can set that to 56.6 if you want to also, but it's only an estimate of BROWSER download time...not Publishing through FP time.


Sorry. You are wrong.

I've timed it 100 times downloading big files and it is downloading at
exactly 28.8kbps.

At any rate, you say it can be set yo 56kbps. How?


I'm talking about clicking on a 1MB jpg image or any other file. it takes a
1MB image nearly 3 minutes to open in FP.

Before I provide a url to my sensitive business files, try it on your
ocmputer. You'll see.


Uh ok.

Tools | Options | Reports View | Assume Connection Speed of: ecc.



First, though, I never said anything about while publishing. I referred to
opening a 1MB JPG file on my website from within FP as an example for the
puropse of editing it with the graphics editer set up in FP. ANY download
was downloading at 28.8kbps as determined by timing the time from clicking on
the file in FP to the time the file presented it self for viewing.

I hate to tell you experts this, but that setting apparently DOES tell FP
what connection speed to actually use. it "assumes" that speed and then
processes the downloads at that speed. Changing this setting from 28.8 to T3
immediately resulted in downloading the same file more than 10 times faster
even though I had cleared my IE cache just to be sure it didn't trick me that

The possible reason some of you were not seeing the box in the lower right
corner that said 28.8 is because you have this setting already set at a
higher speed. When I changed this setting, I didn't see it either, probably
because the page opened plenty fast and FP apparently didn't see the need to
show it.

The 1MB jpg opened in about 25 seconds. That translates to an average
download speed of more than 30KB/sec, WAY better than 3 minutes for a
download equating to about 2.5KB/sec, i.e. roughly 28.8kbps. Mind you, the
same file opens in 3 seconds with every other prorgam I have, but a more than
10-fold speed-up helps.

Hopefully, my problem is resolved.


That setting is to Set the Connection Speed of Your Target Audience - it even says so.

Thomas A. Rowe

Regarding your example of editing a image on a remote server:

When you double click on a image to open in a image/graphic application on your PC to edit, the file
is being downloaded to your temp folder, then via DDE, it is passed to the Image/Graphic Editor you
have configured in FP to be opened. Then when you save and close the Image/Graphic Editor the file
is saved back to temp folder, and then written back to the remote server.

This takes more time then just browsing the site or publishing, especially if running Windows XP SP2
and Office 2003 where more security checking is being done prior to the file actually opening.

As a test, open your live/remote site in FP, select a 1 MB images, then use File Menu | Export, and
export the image to your desktop, the time will be faster.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

when you do this there are processes occurring beyond just pulling the image
off the server as if browsing.
that's more than likely what's causing this lag time.

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.


IMO, don't edit images live (on the server)!

Too much overhead, especially if you're using Photoshop (I love PS but it's a mem-hog)

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