Front End Version Control?



We have a database that currently has several generations of front end files
floating around. So far there are no problems with that, but we are making
some major changes to the front end (primarily in VBA macros, but also some
forms changes), and we want all users to use the new front end file. The
problem is, we don't know which users are using their own front end, and
which are using the "master" front end.

Does anyone have an idea for how we could use the back end file to detect
whether a particular front end is current or not? I would like to be able to
have the back end reject any access that is coming from an old front end. Is
there a way for a back end file to interact with a front end, such that the
back end can check something in the front end (like the presence of a certain
table in the front end) and not allow changes from any front end that doesn't
have that feature? I'd like to be able to put up a message that says "Please
upgrade to the latest front end file."



Jeff Boyce

Take a look at Tony's site
for one approach to an AutoUpdater. Instead of telling the users they have
to do something, this approach has the application figure it out for itself
and take care of it. Of course, you'd first have to have all users install
the NEW version that includes the updater!

Search online (?Google) for MS Access and Auto-Update for more ideas.

I'm not familiar with a back-end-oriented approach, since it is the
front-end "calling" the back-end for information, not the other way around.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

George Nicholson

I don't think there's any good way to have the backend check the status of
who/what is connecting to it. Backends are pretty dumb.
Is there a way for a back end file to interact with a front end, such that
back end can check something in the front end

Not being able to connect because the fe doesn't know the password is the
only thing that comes to mind..

What you could do is:
1) decide on a front-end update strategy. Use a tool like Tony Toews
or roll your own. But I'm pretty sure that any version checking you want to
do has to happen outside the backend.
2) Once your new frontend and update strategy are in place, change the
name/location of the backend or and/or put a password on it so that existing
connections will fail and users will be forced to get the "new" version
(which knows the new be location/password) in order to connect. Once they
have the new version, your updater strategy will automatically handle future
upgrades without having to cut off your users.



Thanks for the reply - this will definitely help ONCE I get the old front
ends under control. Which, by the way, the next reply gives me a great way
to do that!



I figured it would be hard to make the back end smart, and I like your idea
of either renaming it or password protecting it. I'll look into those
possible solutions.



Tony Toews [MVP]

George Nicholson said:
2) Once your new frontend and update strategy are in place, change the
name/location of the backend or and/or put a password on it so that existing
connections will fail and users will be forced to get the "new" version
(which knows the new be location/password) in order to connect. Once they
have the new version, your updater strategy will automatically handle future
upgrades without having to cut off your users.

Good idea. Although I'd just rename the backend.

Also if you open the LDB file in Notepad you can get an idea of the
workstations which are currently using the BE. Obviously this won't
be all of the users but you can catch some this way.

Note that if you open the LDB file in notepad and you just get some
gibberish, from within Notepad, try opening the LDB file again but
change the Encoding from Unicode to ANSI.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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