Fresh Install of XP Home



I am trying to Install Windows XP Home for the first time
on a new PC, the PC has the following spec:

Celeron 2.4GHZ
256 Ram
40GB Hard Disk
Asrock G Pro HT Motherboard

The installation seems to run ok until the very end and
the PC blue screens with the following error message:

I have tried rebooting and starting the install again but
the same happens, has anyone had this problem before? and
can it be resolved or is it something to do with the
Hardware?? I hope someone can help as i've ran out of



Probably a hardware issue. Check everything. Make sure everything is pushed
all the way in. Try booting up into safemode (F8). Chances are it's a driver
problem. What graphics card do you have? Try getting hold of the latest
drivers for it.


I will double check all of the connections to make sure
everyrthing is as it should be, the installation has not
yet completed so could a graphics card driver be the

Thanks for your help

Jason Teagle

I will double check all of the connections to make sure
everyrthing is as it should be, the installation has not
yet completed so could a graphics card driver be the

Unlikely... even once the installation starts trying to boot WinXP from the
hard disk, it's using standard drivers of its own for your card - you
wouldn't have installed drivers yet.

However, checking the physical seating of parts as suggested is a good idea
at this point.

Can you say at what point more precisely the install goes wrong? What is the
last thing you can remember seeing it do before it blue-screened?

It might be the point where it tries to locate your hardware and install
default drivers for them - if default drivers cause a failure then your
hardware may be faulty or badly installed (physically).

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

More likely a ram issue. A stick may be bad or incompatible with another. If
you want to check the memory, there are free programs here:

But keep in kind that a thorough test can only be done with test equipment
at a computer shop. Software tests are not perfect in diagnosing these
issues. At the price of memory today, you may find that the test costs more
than a replacement stick.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


It was the very last part of the install, i've only
acually installed XP once so cant remember the exact place
where it blue screens and i'm not at the PC at the moment
so cant look just yet but i'm sure it said there was only
3 minutes remaining and it was on the bottom notch on the
left hand side of the install screen. Sorry can't be more
clear at the moment but i do appreciate all your help!

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