Freeze fields with a command button click



How would I lock multiple fields so a user can not change based on a click of
a button. There is a date field so once it hit month end I would like to
freeze a user from changing the record. How is that possible?


Daryl S

PJ -

Use the On Current event so this occurs each time a new record is displayed
(use your fieldnames):

If Me.DateField < DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date(),1) Then
Me.Field1.Locked = True
Me.Field2.Locked = True
Me.Fieldn.Locked = True
Me.Field1.Locked = False
Me.Field2.Locked = False
Me.Fieldn.Locked = False
End If


Thanks again Daryl. I guess I am not getting this. Would this go on the
form's current event. I wanted a button that I would click on that at any
given time I can click on and it would lock 6 fields and you could only read
them. Where would they below code go?


Douglas J. Steele

One approach would be simply to call the form's Current event in the
button's Click event:

Private Sub MyButton_Click()

Call Form_Current()

End Sub

Daryl S

PJ -

As Douglas said, you can call the code from a button. If you don't run it
also on the On Current event, then when a user scrolls to a new record, the
formatting won't adjust to the new values. That is why I suggested the
form's On Current event.

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