Formula for last modification date?



We use excel documents with pricing at work, and we are having issues with
people making changes to the pricing and not following up with the
appropriate salespeople. Is there a formula that we can use that would show
the last user that modified the document?

My knowledge of excel is limited to pretty basic functions, and any help
would be greatly appreciated!

Gord Dibben

Is this a "shared" document?

You can track changes to see who changed what and when.

From help on track changes

"History worksheet Excel can display a separate worksheet that provides full
details in list form, so that you can filter to find changes of interest and
print the information. This History worksheet (History worksheet: A separate
worksheet that lists changes being tracked in a shared workbook, including the
name of the person who made the change, when and where it was made, what data
was deleted or replaced, and how conflicts were resolved.) is useful when a
workbook has lots of changes, or you want to investigate what happened in a
series of changes."

If not shared, there is no worksheet function that will grab username and
modified date.

You would have to use VBA and ensure that users enabled macros.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Your answer was perfect - that will solve all of our problems!! Thank you so
much for taking the time to respond!

Gord Dibben

If you mean you will create a shared workbook, your problems are just starting.

See help on shared workbooks for a list of features and functions not available
with these.


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