Formula for adding values that have a letter at the end in Excel 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter LMarks
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We use 3 letter codes (A, S, P) for leave taken by an employee. The number
of hours is entered as H:MM, then the letter leave code (e.g., 1.45A, 2.30S,
4:15P). I need a formula to add the total number of hours in each row for
the three letter codes. I have spent hours searching for formulas online and
am not sure which functions to use (SUMIF, SUM, etc.)

I also need a formula that would convert the a total number of leave hours
e.g., 147.70=148.10, 1233.89=1234.29, 602.97=603.37. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
Insert a column next to the column where you have 1:45A etc etc and copy this
formula all the way down

This will make your 1:45A into 1:45

Now for all sums of "A" use this formula and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter:
(Assuming your range is from A2:A16)

Re: 2nd part of your questions simply add 0.40 to your formula or is there
something I am missing
Give this array-entered** formula a try...


**Commit formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter by itself.

Adjust the range to suit your needs; replace the "S" with "A" and "P" for
your other conditions.
Hmm... this may work:


This will return an error if you have any blank cells or data that does not
fit your specified format of H:MM. If you do have blanks in your range, you
could fill them with the text value 0:00.
