formula continuation with the paint too.



I am having problems continuing my formula down the column though I have
followed the expamples in bothe MS Excel training and Excel for dummies 2003.
It will either put the last known number down the entire column or not work
at all. Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?


One guess is that it's all in the "$" signs which makes the cell ref --
either col/row or both parts -- absolute (ie fixed). Eg: In B1, copied down
to B3: =A1/A$3, where A3 could be housing the total of A1:A2. The dollar sign
will fix the point to A3 in the copy down. For better answers, always post
your formula.

Gord Dibben

Another guess is that you have calculation set to manual under

Change to automatic.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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