form with subform



I have a form that contains 1 subform. They are linked by a field called
Today's Date. The main form will only have 1 record per day added. The
subform can have more than 1 entry per day. I have been able to test the
form and subform on different dates and things seem to work so that if data
is entered on say, 4/20/06 and 4/21/06, the data on the subform will
correspond to whichever date the main form has. My problem shows up when I
print a report with the information for a particular date. For example, if I
wish to print a report for 4/21/2006 (and the subform for that date has 6
records), everything will print fine except when I look at the number of
records for that particular date, the number of records is the same as the
number of records in the subform and thus 6 reports will print out with the
exact same thing.

I have created forms with subforms before and they've worked fine but for
some reason I'm having a brain hiccup and can't figure out what I'm doing
differntly with this one.

PC Datasheet

You need a report and subreport set up the same as your form and subform.
Make sure the LinkMaster and Linkchild properties are set.

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