Form Check boxes



I'm creating a form for the first time and would like to have the following
senerio occur:

there will be a section with 2 main check boxes to indicate different search
criteria for the given report a client is looking for, ie attached and
detached homes. within these 2 section check boxes (attached and detached
homes) will be about eight more checkboxes each indcating different specifcs
(such as permitted or not permitted). Is there a way that when the main
section is selected (attached and detached homes) Defaulted checkmarks will
automatically check? ie client checks attached homes and automatically the
permited box is checked.

hope this made sense. this may require more computer savvy computer skills
then i have but i thought it was worth a try to check and see that i'm not
just missing something.

thanks in advance for the help

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

For you first two checkboxes, you probably need to see the article "Making
groups of Check Box Form Fields mutually exclusive (so that they behave like
radio buttons)" at:

Then, you can incorporate code the set each checkbox to the desired state.
Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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