For All Making Autorun CD's



Hi -
Just wanted to suggest a really simple, wonderful process for anyone who is
to put their show onto a CD -

1. Use the Pack and Go feature under File - Save. (Embed fonts/Links and
include Viewer.)
2. Save in a new desktop folder - SHOW or whatever...
3. Create a Menu Screen by 'snapping' your first slide and saving as .jpg -
keep in same folder.
4. Bring it into a graphics program to add Buttons and Text. (Have you
tried GIMP?)
5. Snatch any sounds you want to play for Buttons and place in d-top folder.
6. Package it all with a wonderful and also free program - Quick Menu
7. QMB will make a menu, let you customize the drive icon, and add actions
for buttons...
make sure you know how to state Relative Paths - i.e. open action for your
..pps would be:
/show.pps - NOT - C://Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/Show
8. Burn the CONTENTS of your folder, with exported menu (includes
autorun.inf, etc.) items / src folder
to a CD-RW or CD-R. (Do NOT burn the entire folder...)

If it doesn't open in Slide Show mode, users just press F5 key and all is
Hope this helps!
(e-mail address removed)


A few question for clarification: see in message.

On 3/22/04 6:06 PM LJK shared with me these great words of wisdom...
Hi -
Just wanted to suggest a really simple, wonderful process for anyone who is
to put their show onto a CD -

1. Use the Pack and Go feature under File - Save. (Embed fonts/Links and
include Viewer.)
2. Save in a new desktop folder - SHOW or whatever...
3. Create a Menu Screen by 'snapping' your first slide and saving as .jpg -
keep in same folder.

what is "snappng" and what did you use to do that?
4. Bring it into a graphics program to add Buttons and Text. (Have you
tried GIMP?)
5. Snatch any sounds you want to play for Buttons and place in d-top folder.

what is a "d-top folder"?
6. Package it all with a wonderful and also free program - Quick Menu
7. QMB will make a menu, let you customize the drive icon, and add actions
for buttons...
make sure you know how to state Relative Paths - i.e. open action for your
.pps would be:
/show.pps - NOT - C://Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/Show
8. Burn the CONTENTS of your folder, with exported menu (includes
autorun.inf, etc.) items / src folder
to a CD-RW or CD-R. (Do NOT burn the entire folder...)

where did the src folder come from, and where does it go, and what goes
in it?? are the "autorun.inf, etc." files generated by the QMB program?


I am new to Powerpoint97 but this sounds like a great idea, but I have
some more questions please....... see below.

On 3/22/04 6:06 PM LJK shared with me these great words of wisdom...
Hi -
Just wanted to suggest a really simple, wonderful process for anyone who is
to put their show onto a CD -

can you put more than one show on a CD with a menu for each show?

1. Use the Pack and Go feature under File - Save. (Embed fonts/Links and
include Viewer.)
2. Save in a new desktop folder - SHOW or whatever...

this creates 2 files, the "show.ppz" and the "Pngsetup.exe", I assume
we'll burn both of those files to the CD?
3. Create a Menu Screen by 'snapping' your first slide and saving as .jpg -
keep in same folder.

I think I got this.. I did a "screen capture" of the opening slide.
4. Bring it into a graphics program to add Buttons and Text. (Have you
tried GIMP?)

nope, this is UNIX, and the windows version is buggy, Paint Shop Pro
works though? By "adding" buttons, do you mean creating new images to
use for buttons? or just placing an object on the captured image? Do
they need to be layers?
5. Snatch any sounds you want to play for Buttons and place in d-top folder.

I assume this means the "Show" folder you created above??
6. Package it all with a wonderful and also free program - Quick Menu

got it. ;-)
7. QMB will make a menu, let you customize the drive icon, and add actions
for buttons...

what do you mean by the "drive icon"?? and this would seem to indicate
that buttons do indeed have to be separate images, right?
make sure you know how to state Relative Paths - i.e. open action for your
.pps would be:

you mean the .ppz file created when you "Pack and Go", or the .pps file
when saving as a show??
/show.pps - NOT - C://Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/Show
8. Burn the CONTENTS of your folder, with exported menu (includes
autorun.inf, etc.) items / src folder

this is the /src folder in the Quick Menu Builder /temp folder, right?

does the autorun.inf have to be edited?
to a CD-RW or CD-R. (Do NOT burn the entire folder...)

just whatever "menu" file is created? the extension is???
If it doesn't open in Slide Show mode, users just press F5 key and all is
Hope this helps!
(e-mail address removed)


"You can't change the surf,
but you can learn to ride the waves!"

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