AUTORUN ?'s - Answers



This to niteowl, or interested parties -
(Remember, I am a 'newbie', myself; but pretty darn excited about this
process -
have used personally and professionally so far, and am still 'tweaking',
To clarify - -
1. D-top is my shorthand for a Desktop folder.
2. Yes, you will burn title.ppz and Pngsetup.exe to disk for those who may
not have PPT.
(This viewer installs in their temp folder - will support PPT '92 - '02, I
3. Yes, use d-top folder just to throw any sounds or images you'll need
prior to using QMB -
NOT essential, just handy. QMB will re-add them in it's resources folder,
called /src - so
you can DELETE those extra files prior to burning.
4. Re-Burning CONTENTS of the d-top folder: open it, select all inside,
then - Send To - CD-ROM drive.
(A Drive Icon is simply what users see as the icon for their CD-ROM drive -
or just use QMB's default
if not interested in getting terribly fancy!)
5. Screen Capture / Window is what I meant by 'snapping' - I use the free
MWSnap for more flexibility -
thus, the name!
6. Relative Paths are important for Button Actions in QMB ONLY - not for
..pps or .ppt stuff. (Since your
end user may have a different drive letter for the CD-ROM, etc.)
7. No need to edit the Autorun.inf file, but you may want to omit their
(QMB's) blurb and your own NOTE.rtf file
for users.
8. For more than one show - I believe I saw posted here some answers for
how to do that within PPT -
check it out! There's an inexpensive program called AutoRun 2.8 that will
open several "Target Files" for
you - after the prior one closes, but it only offers Splash Screens, not
full menus. (Though rumoured to be
coming???) AutoRun 2.8 will also provide password protection, or will stop
working after a set # of days -
for anyone who pkgs. software installs this way...

Hope this was (more) helpful!


thanks, please just hit reply though so we don't have several threads
all over the group... :)

a couple more questions if you don't mind about the menu builder..

to make the powerpoint run, do you "execute" or "open the document" ??
I'm having trouble understanding some of the functions in this program,
(sorry to tie up this forum, I'll move it to email if it's a problem,
but this could be very useful I think.)

when using the relative links do you use forward slashes or back slashes?


On 3/23/04 5:42 PM LJK shared with me these great words of wisdom...
This to niteowl, or interested parties -
(Remember, I am a 'newbie', myself; but pretty darn excited about this
process -
have used personally and professionally so far, and am still 'tweaking',
To clarify - -
1. D-top is my shorthand for a Desktop folder.
2. Yes, you will burn title.ppz and Pngsetup.exe to disk for those who may
not have PPT.
(This viewer installs in their temp folder - will support PPT '92 - '02, I
3. Yes, use d-top folder just to throw any sounds or images you'll need
prior to using QMB -
NOT essential, just handy. QMB will re-add them in it's resources folder,
called /src - so
you can DELETE those extra files prior to burning.
4. Re-Burning CONTENTS of the d-top folder: open it, select all inside,
then - Send To - CD-ROM drive.
(A Drive Icon is simply what users see as the icon for their CD-ROM drive -
or just use QMB's default
if not interested in getting terribly fancy!)
5. Screen Capture / Window is what I meant by 'snapping' - I use the free
MWSnap for more flexibility -
thus, the name!
6. Relative Paths are important for Button Actions in QMB ONLY - not for
.pps or .ppt stuff. (Since your
end user may have a different drive letter for the CD-ROM, etc.)
7. No need to edit the Autorun.inf file, but you may want to omit their
(QMB's) blurb and your own NOTE.rtf file
for users.
8. For more than one show - I believe I saw posted here some answers for
how to do that within PPT -
check it out! There's an inexpensive program called AutoRun 2.8 that will
open several "Target Files" for
you - after the prior one closes, but it only offers Splash Screens, not
full menus. (Though rumoured to be
coming???) AutoRun 2.8 will also provide password protection, or will stop
working after a set # of days -
for anyone who pkgs. software installs this way...

Hope this was (more) helpful!


"You can't change the surf,
but you can learn to ride the waves!"

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Niteowl -
to make the powerpoint run, do you "execute" or "open the document" ??
I'm having trouble understanding some of the functions in this program,

Yes, the free version has very little documentation, but trial and error
sometimes, eh?
When you assign actions to buttons, you will "tell it what to do":
open a program or file,close/eject CD, and other options. Just select "Open
browse to your .pps - kept in a project folder on desktop>insert.
This ties-in with your second question -
when using the relative links do you use forward slashes or back slashes?

I just checked the last one I'd burned. The file name for the button action
to Open File in QMB was:

[Remember, the program won't be able to open after you've exported the menu,
- when you try and 'test' the Menu.exe - because your computer won't know
to do - the pathname is incorrect for it! (You had to get rid of
and replace it with the above - no drive letter specified.) But, once on a
CD, it will
be able to open - no problem: it looks for the drive, then the \file.pps.
*Use CD-RW's to test first tries, and ck. on other computers before

Oh, when it asks you, "Save the source file for this Menu" - good idea, then
you can
Open it from the program and change what you need to without starting from

Hope this process works for you!

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