Fonts in Italic all of a sudden?


Trent Rowe

Hi all,

This is probably a 'noob' question, but all of a sudden a lot of the fonts
in my system are showing in italic. Not a big deal, but annoying. Not
everything, but in some dialog boxes, when I type in searches in Yahoo,
things like that. Where do I go to turn off the italics?

Thanks for any help!


Control Panel>Display>Appearance tab>Advanced button. In next dialog box,
go through items in Item list. Those with a font will not have Font
greyed out (above OK/ Cancel buttons). Click on the "I" to the far right if
it looks sunken. OK, then Apply and OK to close.



Don't worry Trent, we're not jerks here. No need to worry if you're new
here, everyone needs a little help now and then. Okay, what I think is going
on is that your display options are set to italics. Goto your control panel.
Open the "Display" application. Now there are two things you can do here. You
can reset your appearance themes to the default windows XP version which will
clear it up. DOING THIS CANNOT HARM YOUR COMPUTER But you may not want to do
it if you have a fancy desktop theme on. So how do you do it? Click the
"themes" tab, click the dropdown menu, and bring the theme to "Windows XP",
then click apply.

However, if you do have fancy thematical settings which you don't want to
reset to default, just go to the appearance tab, and click advanced, and go
through the drop down menu, and when you see a font option selected with the
italics button on, just click the italics button for that one so it's off.
When you're done, click apply.

Tell me if it worked. (and of course, if it didn't)


Malvern said:
Control Panel>Display>Appearance tab>Advanced button. In next dialog
go through items in Item list. Those with a font will not have Font
greyed out (above OK/ Cancel buttons). Click on the "I" to the far
right if
it looks sunken. OK, then Apply and OK to close.


Fix Constant Italics/Font Problem - When a rogue program decides to
install its own version of system fonts, it may replace the original
version of the font file with a shortcut in the font folder. Once this
program is uninstalled, the shortcut may now point to a font file that
no longer exists. Windows XP in turn reacts by turning all unspecified
fonts into italics upon next reboot.The simple way to fix this is to
delete all shortcuts in the font folder and replace them with the
actual font file. By going to
you can also double check the path of each font and look for any
suspicious paths.


Trent Rowe

Hi Malke,

I found that key in the registry. If I delete all the registry entry for my
fonts, will the good one automatically be put back in? Don't want Windows XP
to suddenly not know where to find any fonts;-)

Malke said:
Malvern said:
Control Panel>Display>Appearance tab>Advanced button. In next dialog
go through items in Item list. Those with a font will not have Font
greyed out (above OK/ Cancel buttons). Click on the "I" to the far
right if
it looks sunken. OK, then Apply and OK to close.


Fix Constant Italics/Font Problem - When a rogue program decides to
install its own version of system fonts, it may replace the original
version of the font file with a shortcut in the font folder. Once this
program is uninstalled, the shortcut may now point to a font file that
no longer exists. Windows XP in turn reacts by turning all unspecified
fonts into italics upon next reboot.The simple way to fix this is to
delete all shortcuts in the font folder and replace them with the
actual font file. By going to
you can also double check the path of each font and look for any
suspicious paths.

MS MVP - Windows Shell/User
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"


Trent said:
Hi Malke,

I found that key in the registry. If I delete all the registry entry
for my fonts, will the good one automatically be put back in? Don't
want Windows XP to suddenly not know where to find any fonts;-)

You don't want to delete the key. What you want is to make sure that all
the fonts in the Fonts Folder are really there and not shortcuts. So
you want to look in the right-side panel and be sure that the fonts
shown have the correct path and nothing weird. For instance, you want
to be sure that the fonts shown are really where Windows thinks they


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