Folders Disappeared After Clicking on "Close Folders" and Unable to Bring Back



Having the following problems:

1. A few weeks ago I nuked my hard drive and another tech reinstalled
a lot of programs, including some backed up, very important Microsoft
Outlook folders/files. Since then, I have doubles of a lot of programs
and all this stuff needs to be cleaned up, deleted, etc., on my hard
2. This morning, a huge amount of folders disappeared in my Microsoft
Outlook section. This section was separate from the base section of
Outlook Today [Personal Folders]. While in the base section, I clicked
on "close folders" and this caused all the other separate folders to
vanish. I've spent a couple of hours trying to bring these back but
cannot locate them. They have not been deleted, so I am hoping these
missing folders are still there...somewhere.<BR>
3. For some reason, all of my jpeg photographs are in a "read-only"
format. They need to be changed back to a normal setting.<BR>

Robert Crayk

Do you know if the second folder structure was a Pst (Personal Folder File),
if so launch Windows Explorer and look for files with a pst extension, if
you find multiples then look to the modified date to determine which is the
one you need, remember the location of this file and then launch Outlook and
use the File > Open > Personal Folder File and browse to the location

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