Folder displaying at boot time.



The folder c:\program files\dell\ displays just after the desktop is loaded
and displayed upon the screen. This atarted about 3 weeks ago, and I had made
no changes to the system, so I didn't do it.
I simply close the folder and everything works normal. It's just a pain to
continue to do this.
It might have first appeared after a MS Security update was automatically run.

Mikhail Zhilin

Run (Start -- Run...) msconfig, select Startup tab and see what the lines are
beginning with "c:\program files\dell" at the right. Unmark these lines, apply
changes and restart. Does this folder open now?

If not -- mark these lines, one by one, and restart after each correction;
what line forces this folder to open?

See also the solution of the similar problem, "Windows Explorer may start and
display the contents of the root folder or the Windows folder";EN-US;q228502

Mikhail Zhilin
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
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I'm running Win XP Home SP 2 and IE 6.0, so I guess your suggestion does not
apply, as it mentions IE 5.0
I did run MSCONFIG, and there are no startup lines that mention the folder
in question.

Now what?

Thanks, Richard

Mikhail Zhilin

Well, Richard... Not all the possible, but the most frequent other reasons

1. See if Autorun.inf in the root of the drive(s) exists. If yes -- delete it.

2. Search the registry for "DesktopProcess" and delete that key if exists.

3. See if the Registry key:


exists; if yes -- delete its content (in the right pane)

Mikhail Zhilin
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
Sorry, no technical support by e-mail.
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I looked for the things you suggested below, and found NONE of them.


Mikhail Zhilin

Hm... You can try my old diagnostic file Program.bat then (it ought to work
and in your case, if it the Registry problem). Download the archive from my
Double click it, drag Program.bat from within it into the root of C: If WinXP
will complain now or later, that the file with the name PROGRAM is in the root
of C: -- ignore this warning: it is correct, and Program.bat uses the problem
of this name for the diagnostic.

Read Program.bat first (right click it -- Edit) and follow the comments in it.
Probably it will find the culprit. Delete Program.bat before the next restart.

Though this file is using (to solve the problem of the opening folder) since
Year 2000, both in Win98 and in WinXP, by the newsgroups' participants as well
-- but anyhow using of the files from the unknown source is always potentially
harmful. So only you can decide, whether you want to try it.

Mikhail Zhilin
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
Sorry, no technical support by e-mail.
Please reply to the newsgroups only.

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