Floated JPG not displayed [IE6 WinXP Pro]




Hopefully the right NG

Is this a known problem with IE6 WinXP Pro? If so is there a fix?

I have a provisional two column layout, the left menu column is positioned
absolute. The contents column is positioned relative.

The contents column has an image floated right. The placement is there in
IE6 but not the image.

It does not matter whether the DTD is strict or transitional

An incomplete test page is at http://www.australisolives.com/new1/

I notice that if I drag the window width to about 550 pixel (on a 800 res),
part of the image can be seen in the margin between the right column and the
left column. The image seems to be being layered under the right column.
z-index is declared on the right column but it doesn't seem to matter, in
relation to the jpg, whether it is declared or not, or a higher z-index is
declared on the floated image.

I have been advised that the floated image is displayed on other IE6 Win XP
systems which seems to point to some problem with my system. I have added
tests for jpg images at he bottom of the right column and these are

Any assistance appreciated.



Just in case somebody else should run into this problem it is caused by a
IE6 CSS misinterpretation, not by some setting in the browser per se.

The hack, in this case, is to declare position:relative as well as float on
the image.


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