First Name and Last Name


Nik Alleyne

Hi guys and gals
I'm trying to find a way to read the user's first name and last name while
using a batch file. I know I can read the username via %username%, but is
there a way to read the first and last names.


Jerold Schulman

Hi guys and gals
I'm trying to find a way to read the user's first name and last name while
using a batch file. I know I can read the username via %username%, but is
there a way to read the first and last names.

You can retireve the users Full Name using the following:

for /f "Tokens=2*" %%m in ('net user %username% /domain^|Findstr
/C:"Full Name"') do set Fullname=%%n

where the above is one line

You can also use the Active Directory Command-Line Tools, tip 6820 in the 'Tips
& Tricks' at, to run:

set qry=dsquery * domainroot -filter
"(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(sAMAccountName=%username%))" -attr
givenName sn
REM The above 3 lines are 1 line
for /f "Skip=1 Tokens=1*" %%u in ('%qry%') do (
set firstname=%%u
set lastname=%%v

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

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