Firebird IBEasy+ relational SQL database


George R. Young

Checking out database applications and found a Firebird arrangement
that works pretty well. Firebird is an SQL database engine, see:
version 1.5.3 with GDS32.DLL option during installation needed for the
IBEasy+ client, see:

Fairly small downloads, pretty fast, multi-language interface support,
English and French help file.

Compares favourably with Open Office 2, Paradox 9, Lotus Approach 9.7
that I've been using.

Richard Kistler

George R. Young said:
Checking out database applications and found a Firebird arrangement
that works pretty well. Firebird is an SQL database engine, see:
version 1.5.3 with GDS32.DLL option during installation needed for the
IBEasy+ client, see:

Fairly small downloads, pretty fast, multi-language interface support,
English and French help file.

Compares favourably with Open Office 2, Paradox 9, Lotus Approach 9.7
that I've been using.

How about MySQL/DBDesigner ne MySQL Workbench?

Dick Kistler

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