Finding MIN value in a column between Two Dates in different columns

  • Thread starter Thread starter ML Srini
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ML Srini

Hope everybody is doing well. I am trying to find a solution to the
problem I am having for some time. I seem to have found half of the
solution from one of the threads and stuck finding the other half.

Here is what I have:

ColumnA ColumnB MIN MAX
Date1 Date2 ???? MAX(INDEX)
*(see below)

ColumnC ColumnD
Date1 value1
Date1a value1a
Date1b value1b
Date1c value1c
Date1d value1d
Date1e value1e
Date2 value2
Date3 value3
Date4 value4
Date5 value5

Problem: To find MIN and MAX value (Column D) between dates Date1 and
Date2 (Column A&B)
I have the solution for MAX from one of the threads. I am using,
=MAX(INDEX((A2<=$C$2:$C$7)*(B2>=$C$2:$C$7)*($D$1:$D$7),0)) which
the maximum of ColumnD between Date1 and Date2. (I am still trying to
understand how this works.)
But, if I use =MIN(INDEX((!$C$2:$C$7>=A2)*($C$2:$C$7<=B2)*($D$1:$D
0)) for MIN, I am getting 0 (there are no 0s or -ve numbers in
ColumnD). Does anybody know how I can resolve this?

I really appreciate help regarding this.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.
Try this array formula** :


** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of
You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback!

Microsoft Excel MVP


Thank you very much for your help. It worked!!!!